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Upein bridge or The world longest wooden bridge

Do you know the best example of recyclable object in the world? I proudly say that object is situated in Myanmar. It is U Pain Bridge, the longest wooden bridge in the world. The old wood was used in the bridge. U Pain, who built the bridge, appealed the King for using the old pillars and the old pieces of wood from the old palace and the old houses, which were spreading around the city because in those days the Capital City was moved various times from Ava to Amarapura and even to Sagaing. The Bridge was built in Taungthaman Lake and has connected Amarapura and other villages, which are situated other side of the Lake. Taungthaman region is very windy area; therefore U Pain Bridge wasn’t built straightly. It shape is carve to resist the blowing of air. That is an achievement of Myanmar’s technique. The Lake is situated near the Ayeyarwaddy River so the floodwaters recede every year. During monsoon there is plenty of water and at the end of this season the water remains in the Lake that is ordinary way of nature. So the Lake used to have water in  winter and used to be dry up in summer, when the lake becomes wide lands people grow vegetable. The view of U Pain used to change every seasons. But nowadays the lake fills with water all the year round, so the Wooden Bridge is wet every time. Therefore the pillars are easy to decay. This is the most important fact to sustain the Bridge. Each boat in the Taungthaman Lake has a pair of oars so the paddle form is as like as a flying bird. Visitors like to ride boats for taking relax, getting fresh air and taking the best photos. Taungthaman is an open wide space, so the beautiful sun set view can see not only in the boat but also on the bridge. The matched existence of the sun is sinking in the west, the unruly old Wooden Bridge and the movement of people on the bridge is the scenic view. The best time to visit to the bridge is at sunrise and sunset time and if you are on photographing tour in Myanmar , it is a must to go to Upein bridge.

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5/5/2020 to 15/5/2020
Availibility: 12 Spaces
1/6/2020 to 12/6/2020
Availibility: 12 Spaces
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