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In Myanmar , Bagan is famous for its abundant pagodas and it is a main tourist attraction place. As well as another famous place for several pagodas is Mrauk in Rakhine State. It is situated between the Kalandan River and Laymyo River and rounded by mountains. The term Rakhine come from Rakhita which means guarding the Nation. In Mrauk , during 15th to 18th centuries foreign traders including Portuguese and Dutch visited and traded so the economy of the region was developed. Therefore, coins were casted and used in business. According to Dutch’s record, Mrauk U was the richest city in South East Asia.  In Rakhine there are four periods. They are Danyawadi, Watherli, Laymyo and Mrauk U. Previous date of Mrauk U Period Buddhism has established in Rakhine. Therefore, many pagodas and religious buildings were built around Rakhine. The characterful structure of these buildings and pagodas are attracting not only visitors but also foreign visitors. Shittaung Pagoda. 84000 of Buddha’s relic and 84000 of Buddha Status that will become Buddha in the future were enshrining inside the Pagoda so it was called Shitthaung Pagoda. The sandstone sculptures are decorated on the wall of the cave which are performed the lives of little Buddha, Jataka, history of Rakhine, regarding to Hindu religious, playing and dancing, catching the elephant, traditional Rakhine bout, ancient Rakhine women’ s hair style and so on. Another highlight of Mrauk U is the Kothaung temple. The 90000 Buddha images are placed in the temple so it is named the Kothaung temple. There is no fresco in all pagodas and religious buildings in Rakhine. There is remain palace wall in Mrauk U but there is anything inside. Rakhine State is rainy region so there is large amount humidity has threatened the sustainable of these historic and religious buildings. Myanmar has tried for Mrauk U to become a World Heritage Site.

By visiting MraukU , all of travelers can enjoy nature , learn traditions , cultures and ways of life of Rakhine people. If you like to join the tour to Rakhing state, please click the link below.

Select Availibility Dates to Book

5/5/2020 to 15/5/2020
Availibility: 12 Spaces
1/6/2020 to 12/6/2020
Availibility: 12 Spaces
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