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Bird Watching in Myanmar

Myanmar is located in both temperate and tropical zones so many kinds of species can be found in there because most of living things like muggy region. Therefore Myanmar can be said figuratively land of zoo geography because she has several kinds of forests and creatures which depend to these forest. According to the weather and forest some animals live residential and some live migratory. Especially for birds forest birds live residential and water birds live migratory. Both kinds of bird can be found in Myanmar. Forest bird areas are Law Kar National Park, Bagan, Mt.Victoria, Kalaw, Khakaborazi and Lanpi Region. Migrated birds stay at Gulf of Motama, Palate Lake, Sonyai Lake, Taungthaman Lake, Indawkyi Lake, Lnle Lake, Moeyongyi Ramsar Site and Mainmahla Kyon Ramsar Site. The best time for watching birds is from November to March because during this moment the birds from the icy regions migrate to temperate zone for breeding. So this time is a good chance to watch them because people cannot get to their native regions. But in temperate and tropical zones native birds or endemic birds can be found and some are Myanmar endemic species, some are near endemic species and some are endanger species. Irrawaddy Bulbul and Vinous-breasted Myna are near Myanmar endemic species. Red-vented Bulbul live in Myanmar and the foreign birders are eager to see them. Last weekend our company made survey about the birds which live around Thonzeypay Village. We could list about 50 kinds of birds but this is very quantity. We should get more kinds of birds so that survey showed how much our biodiversity has decadence. Watching is the best way to maintain our environment without preparing or changing. So Bird Watching Tour has became popular among the bird lovers.

 If you are willing do bird watching in Myanmar , please do not hesitate to contact us.

Select Availibility Dates to Book

5/5/2020 to 15/5/2020
Availibility: 12 Spaces
1/6/2020 to 12/6/2020
Availibility: 12 Spaces
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