How many books and pages can have for concerning with specific subject or doctrine? I want to introduce to you an amazing book, which has 1460 pages; each page has 3.5 feet in width, 5 feet in length and 5.6 feet in thick and contains 730 sheets. That book is description of Buddhist scripture or lectures. They are inscribed on the white marble slabs. Therefore another question is come out. How can store or maintain that an immense book? Each marble slab is stored in a brick cave as a form of casket so it is acknowledged by UNESCO in memory of the World Register as the World’s Largest Book. This largest book is situated in compound of Kuthodaw Pagoda, the proto type of Shwesigon Pagoda in Bagan. Kuthodaw Pagoda is one of the seven edifices of the foundation, when King Mindon built Mandalay in 1857. The seven edifices are Myanansankyaw Royal Palace, the moat and the walls, Kuthodaw Pagoda, Ordination Hall, Thudama Zayats, Tritipitaka Text House and Atumashi Monastery. In 1860 King Mindon donated the largest book, great merit which was significantly different from other Myanmar Kings. The descriptions of that book are according to the fifth Buddhist Synod, which can verify at anytime. The star-flower trees were grown between the caves to get shady and to maintain the moisture. Nowadays the ground between the caves is covered by concrete floor which is hotter than the ground surface. That causes dehydration effects to those trees. The ground under the tree should let naturally because we have to safeguard our biosphere and natural view is a perfect landscape. Visiting Kuthodaw Pagoda contains in One Day Tour in Mandalay or Foodie Tour in Mandalay. Moreover Mandalay Hill offers a breathtaking panorama of Kuthodaw Pagoda, Sandarmuni Pagoda and surrounding areas.
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