Agriculture is a fundamental profession of people and roots of all development and fresh water is essential requirement for agriculture. The source of fresh water is the oceans but fresh water is carried by rivers, streams and brooks. Population near the river is larger than highland areas because cities, towns and villages are founded on the bank of the rivers. Therefore rivers become the princess of history e.g. the Nile in Egypt, the Amazon in Brazil and the Irrawaddy in Myanmar. In Myanmar, the historical cities which are Bagan, Sagaing, Ava, Amapura and Mandalay are situated along the Irrawaddy River. The rivers which flow across the plan are more useful than the ones which flow across the mountain or rough surface. The Irrawaddy is the longest in Myanmar. The beginning of the Irrawaddy is the confluence of the Maykha and Malika. She flows through the middle of Myanmar and enter into the Admen Sea. Before her estuary she forms deltas. Large amount of paddy is grown in the Deltas so this area is called the Rice Pot of Myanmar. She serves many kinds for Myanmar the whole year because she has rare rapids. The lateral area of Myanmar is delimited by Rakhine mountain range and Shan mountain range and central area of Myanmar is plane. So the topography of Myanmar is as like as a pan. Therefore the Irrawaddy flows freely and gently across the plane. In monsoon there is a plenty of water in the Irrawaddy so the business of wood raft, bamboo raft is doing in this season. The bank both side of the River becomes flooded areas. In winter the water in the river decrease so those flooded areas become fertile soil. From winter to summer people grow vegetables on those arable lands. There are several kinds of vessels are floated up and down along the River to conduct many kinds of business. Moreover she gives many kinds of products for people life hood. People make money from the Irrawaddy. Myanmar Travel and Tour companies sell cruse tour in the Irrawaddy, watching Irrawaddy Dolphin tour as their products. From starting point until to end point the Irrawaddy takes part an important role in Myanmar. Damaging cause of the River is by building dams on her way. The basic and important fact to sustain the Irrawaddy is to let her for flowing freely. We have to maintain our river the Irrawaddy because the gratitude of Irrawaddy is invaluable for us.
If you like to join Irrawaddy Dolphin watching tours , please see below link.