Mandalay Royal Palace is situated at Mandalay, the last capital of Myanmar Kingdom, Konbaung Dynesty. Mandalay contains in central parts of Myanmar. The Palace was resident by two kings, King Mindon and King Thibaw. King Mindon. The Palace of the halls was completely burnt down during the World War II. In 1990, the buildings were reconstructed according to the Palace platform so People can study and observe the high standard of Myanmar monarchical system and art of architecture technique. King Mingdon built the new city by the 7 edifices of the foundation at the same time. They are Myanansankyaw Royal Palace, the Moat and Walls, Kuthodaw Pagoda, Ordination Hall, Thudama Zayats, Tripittaka Text House and Atumashi Monastry. The Palace was constructed on the plateau and has 114 chambers and most of them were built by wood. The Golden Teak Wood Pillars, the wood carvings and the Thrones are brought from Amarapura. The Lion Throne, symbol of power, is the greatest and the highest throne among eight thrones. The Great Royal Paying Homage Assembly was held three times a year in the Great Audience. At these assemblies the King and the Queen sat on the Lion Throne. Hltut Taw has a supreme authority. So another Lion Throne was let at Hlut Taw and used when the King made judgments and important decision to show his supreme authority. Hamsa Throne was placed in Room of Victory and the King meets the embassies or diplomatist without an accoutrements. Elephant Throne is placed in the Bye Taik, meeting Hall of Ministry of Home Affairs. Conch Throne Hall is not only an appointment place of Crown Prince but also the Preaching Hall. Hamsa Throne Hall in which the King held audiences and were signed the appointments to provincial and central posts here. Bee Throne was set in the Glass Palace. The nomination ceremony of the Chief Queen and the Royal wedding ceremony are held in this Hall. Deer Throne was placed in South Samaut Saung. The King and the Queen watched royal plays and performance art from this Hall. Extreme west end of the Palace is the Lotus Throme Hall or Queen’s Audience Hall. The courtiers paid respect to The King and the Queen in this Hall. Myanansankyaw Royal Palace stands grandly for Myanmar. The King’s Palace stands brilliantly and proudly center of the city and his relatives, outstanding senators, faithful servants, brave soldiers and honest civilian lived around him as like as a Solar System. Normally we include visit to Mandalay Royal palace in Mandalay day tour by LM Travel Myanmar.
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